Cyber Security Tips


To help reduce the threats of a cyber security breach here are some basic IT hygiene rules that all businesses should be following:

➢ Passwords and MFA 

Ensure all employees create and use strong passwords. Using a password management tool and multifactor authentication (MFA) will also help add an extra layer of protection.

➢ Network firewalls

Any business with a network should have a firewall as standard. It’s good practice to ensure your firewall not only monitors what is going in and out of your network, but also can inspect the content.

➢ Data backup

If breached, you need to be able to recover data from a secure back up program in place. The cyber security sector is moving towards isolated network backups via an “air gap” between the network and the backup network so businesses have a secure Plan B if locked out of their network and data.

➢ Vulnerability testing

Use regular testing to identify vulnerabilities within your network. Experts will be able to identify any anomalies within your network that may leave you exposed. 

➢ Practice your Incident Response Plan

If you have an IR Plan, make sure if doesn’t just gather dust in the drawer, if you do experience a breach you will want to know your processes and responses are up to date.

➢ Employee engagement in cyber security

Ensure your employees are trained on how to spot attacks such as phishing emails. Regular tests by sending out false phishing emails will help to identify staff who click on the links and need further training.

At the NEBRC, we work to educate and inspire organisations to understand the importance of having strong cyber security. That’s why we offer a variety of services, including Vulnerability Assessments and Security Awareness Training to help businesses manage risks to their network. 

For more information, sign up to our free Core Membership to gain access to a wealth of helpful resources at your fingertips.

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